Professional Women’s Group
As a PWG member, you will meet and stay in touch with dynamic women that have come through Dress for Success Northwest Arkansas Suiting and Career Services programs while gaining access to educational, mentoring and training programs. But most of all, you will benefit from lifetime membership in an environment in which you will give and receive the support, motivation and inspiration that will help you thrive in work and life!
Our PWG meetings take place once a month by Zoom and is an opportunity for any individual to join us for skill building, community, education, and networking with others. Mark your calendars now! Classes are free and open to the public. They take place from 6-7pm. Zoom link below.
ZOOM Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8462272652?pwd=aURINHJGYzA1bWp6MkhuVzBtRURFZz09